Monday, June 20, 2011

Write to Chris!

Hello friends!

I had the pleasure of speaking to Chris by phone several days ago. He is doing well. He has his own room in the halfway house in Chicago and he feels he has adjusted to life there. He does not have work yet and seems to be doing some creative things to make money. It's different from the prison of course -- he is able to get out and about once a week, stealing away to the library or to Mass. He also says that he really supports what the halfway house is all about -- that it is in fact "part of the solution." They do a great deal in the way of job prep and emotional support for the guys who are transitioning back into society.

It seems though, by talking with him, Chris is lonely. He gets along with everyone well but because everyone has there own rooms, he doesn't seem to have as much quality interaction with people. So, if you have time, send him a card or a letter at:

Chris Spicer #94642-020
105 S. Ashland Ave
Chicago,Ill 60607

It would mean a great deal to him!
