Tuesday, February 8, 2011

The beauty of friendship

When I write to Chris, I always include an updated list of all of your names. In response one day, Chris started going down the list sharing about you. Check it out...

Hey Prayer Community,

Greetings to you all from C-2 housing unit! I’ve just had some fun conjuring you each to mind as I did laps. What if I wrote a blurb about each of you just so you have a starting point. My hope is this can prime the pump by creating a more comfortable space to share with one another.

Amy Nee is the gal I recently fell for while living in Chicago. I hope this gives her a hard time. She’s a gem, originally from Florida, raised by two rad parents. They took the Bible to heart having their babies at home and rearing them home schooled. She does an angelic version of Hallelujah singing/playing guitar and makes the best brussel spouts ever. Her writing voice is soft, delicate and she has a bookshelf to drool over. Some say they see Dorothy in her-I disagree- I’ve never heard a crass word from her. But if you have the Long Loneliness, look at the photo of young author Ms. Day.

Andrew Rodriguez hails from the California Province. His most sincere affection before departing still moves my heart. He also just shared a clear exposition of Kierkiegaardian study on the near sacrifice of Isaac by Abraham. Much like his gentle manner, his thesis is that the dilemma is resolved by an image of a loving God who does not ask sacrifice. I would go with he and Francis Nugyven to get bubble tea as a scholastic at Loyola University of Chicago or as a group with Sean Salai or to a film like The Visitor.

Ann Kukak serves Gonzaga Prep as a counselor and we worked closely to best meet the GPrep standards of excellent learning and teaching. With her gift to mediate and speak a tongue any party can hear, I made discoveries of my strengths and weaknesses without feeling I sat with an adversary but with a team player. She is a picture of wisdom with her shock white hair, crows peak, high forehead smooth of wrinkles, clear frame glasses, blue eyes with smile creases and pearly teeth. She could speak a prophet’s correction with a smile.

Ben Gaven nearly got hitched our freshman year at Santa Clara to a feisty dentist’s daughter who, like him, was quite a cherub in spite of all the bluster. When we first ran together in anticipation of joining the Bronco XC squad, he demanded an average of 6:00 miles pace for the easy runs. No wonder he went on to be an inspiration and captain of the squad. He’ll never let me forget Sunriti’s jungle, nor will “slick Rick” Ricky Bracket or “Balls” Michael Wall. To them I’m a man of many names; Slider, Slide F, Slide FFN, and Snort F. Ben, I’m wearing Asics 1140. By the way, he and I once had a snowball fight on Monserrat, scampered a top an Elephant-shaped peak for lunch, and took looksies at ancient hermitage sites. I think fondly of this now even as I make my own Ignatian pilgrimage of sorts, laying down my privilege & having a Manresa-esque schooling in prayer.

Bernie Herberholt is my best friend. Consider a famous painting of the apostle John and Peter. See how the painter has focused the frame to the head and shoulders to portray the intense emotion of the men as they race to the tomb upon hearing Magdalene give testimony of Jesus' resurrection appearance. Peter has eyes of amazement and worry, his brow furrowed in concern. On the other hand, John is ahead with wide, joyful surprise radiating. When Bernie last wrote me, just before my trial he said "I hope you get what's coming to you." We've been friends since first grade and we need only eight words to express a lifetime shared.

Bob Graf and I share a common experience of leaving the Jesuits. In a letter he assured me that I can trust in the skill of discernment, that such is the wealth my Jesuit formation has given me. For decades Bob's activism to resist militarism has complemented a lifestyle centered in loving family and in performing simple acts of mercy with great love. While a claim to fame is his part in the 1968 "Milwaukee-14" draft card burning, I know his role as father is the one he most cherished. I continue to grieve the loss of his son. From Bob's ceaseless hounding of ROTC programs to his ministry as taxi man for the poor - I recognize in him an ardent love of Christ whom he has devoted himself to take down from the cross.

Bonnie Masiello is hands down the most amazing gal I ever kissed, but that's a secret. It was on an air-conditioned deluxe bus ride returning to San Salvador after a week of language study in Antigua. After the kiss she said (you slobber) "That didn't feel quite right. Let's not talk about this." So began a course of self restraint, a necessary pre-req for a life of celibacy. To know Bonnie you have to remember she's the eldest of three daughters born and raised in a well-off Boston family. Hell, she's worked for the CIA, quit, returned to work in El Salvador, and now pursues an MA in Education from Columbia. If she keeps up her French and Yoga they will be further assets for when she is the future President or wife of, but then Stephanie Valencia or Rahima Kamela Laird may beat her to the post. I would say Bonnie is like God's scalpel but I'll never forget she and Emily Chesterton singing, "I'll walk 5,000 miles", their heads sticking out of a makeshift table on talent night at the Gsa, voices high like cabbage patch kids babies.

Carolyn Quartier could conduct lessons in hosting to new executive wives, and has. She puts her charm to the service of a pair of non-profits, one I volunteered for in Portland called Northwest Children's Outreach, the other to serve survivors of human sex trafficking, called Grace Ministries. In my many relationships, there are those like mine with Carollyn in which I feel the consolation of having another mother to look after me. Yet she let me be a faith sharing friend. What's more, she's a mentor. "What you need to do" she says, "is write a book". I laugh. "Seriously, then you can go around giving talks and sell the book." We all need conspirators like Carolyn.


Chris loves and needs you all. Thank you for your support of him.


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